A Week In Review Part 1…

3 Min Read

For the folks that are curious about what it costs to do this trip, our costs will give you a general idea but you have to take into consideration that the RV this past week has pulled the trailer, the RV runs on gas, and the repair costs would not, or at least hope not, be as high for your travels. The RV on average would get 6 miles per gallon going north and south. With heading west it has decreased. I am going to switch the trailer back over to the truck once we settle someplace in Nebraska so I am hoping our fuel mileage increases. The extra mileage on the truck is from running around picking up groceries, repair items, and such.

RV Table… Odometer, when we left Selinsgrove, was 22131

DateOdometerRV GasMPGRepair
Sun, August 22nd22151 Lewisburg, Pa. $3.19
23.445 / $75.00
23.445 / $75.00
3.128 / $10.01
Mon, August 23rd22364Hubbard, OH. $
43.875 / $125.00
Tues, August 24th22572West Unity, OH. $3.02
33.015 / $100.00
Wed, August 25th
Thurs, August 26th
Fri, August 27th22651Howe, IN. $3.19
31.268 / $100.00
Sat, August 28th22854LaSalle, IL. $
48.247 / $150.00
Sun, August 29th22997Tiffin, IA. $2.99
41.681 / 125.00
Total866 Miles248.104 / $760.013.49

Truck & Trailer Table… Odometer, when we left Selinsgrove, was 341116

DateOdometerTruck DieselMPGRepairs
Sun, August 22nd341124Shamokin Dam, PA. $3.32
26.433 / $88.00
Mon, August 23rd341390Hubbard, OH. $
18.640 / $60.00
Tues, August 24th
Wed, August 25thTrailer Tires & Wheels
Thurs, August 26th
Fri, August 27th341756Eden, OH. $
22.889 / $81.00
Transfer Case
Sat, August 28th
Sun, August 29th342153Tiffin, IA. $2.99
23.344 / $78.81
Total1037 Miles91.316 / $307.8111.356$1457.85

General Expense Table…

Sun, August 22nd
Mon, August 23rd
Tues, August 24thHickory Acres $40
Wed, August 25thHickory Acres $40
Thurs, August 26thHickory Acres $40
Fri, August 27th
Sat, August 28th
Sun, August 29thPottawattamie County $20
Total$140 / 4 Nights

Overall Totals…

RV Total248.104 / $760.01
Truck & Trailer Total91.316 / $307.81$1457.85
General Expense Total$140.00
Sub Total$1207.82$1457.85
Grand Total$2665.67
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