My Perspective…

3 Min Read

It pays to have a husband that is willing to tackle fixing everything, the “ Jack of all trades”. After a few days of frustrating issues that needed fixing all I can do was stand back and watch John sweat. I wish I could do more but sometimes I just need to stay back and provide cold drinks. Every day brings a new hope and today, Sunday, August 29th, we had a day without fixing things. We got up early this morning and drove for 3 hours, stopped at a nice rest stop, took a break and found this cool place just off I-80. The Pottawattamie County Fair Campground allows you to self register and for $20, you get a full-hookup and all the peace and quiet you could wish for The money goes to the 4-H club so it is for a good cause.

The one thing I haven’t talked about yet is our pets, how they are patient and put up with all our nonsense. The kitty cat has a hiding spot that he runs to every time the engine starts and when we stop he comes out to play, Bella and Mandy are troopers too, they just do whatever we do, Mandy is certainly better at it though she just looks all smug and smart while Bella barks at everything.

We left the little quiet place around 10 AM and started our journey westward today, Monday, August 30th. Things have been going well and I have to thank everyone for your prayers as we move along. We decided today that we would look for a campground and stay 2 nights to rest, take a breather and get all that dirty greasy laundry washed. We are at Kearny Campground and RV Park in Kearny, Nebraska, not far off of I-80. The campground isn’t much but we do have a lake view out our front window, We saw some places we would like to explore and so we will look around tomorrow, do a little sightseeing.

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