
2 Min Read

Time is counting down fast and I’ve been trying to keep on a timeline in getting things done whereas I wish sometimes I was more like Rebecca, taking things in a more nonchalant approach. Maybe that’s why we work good together then again… guess I will be careful what I say since she does make good pot pie and French toast… Almost everyday some kind of accomplishment is being reach but this past weekend we got the RV just about ready to go. Some of the bigger tasks was getting Rebecca to make a dash cover to protect it from the sun and the cats. I didn’t go looking if one could be purchased but Rebecca did a impressive job and it got the thumbs up from me. The other tough task was replacing the falling apart vinyl awning. Even though we watched some videos online, we had to take our own approach at it since we only had one tall ladder. With a little help from Rebecca’s brother, Ben and Antonio, we were able to get it done fairly quickly. The other tasks were refinishing the enter steps, upgraded the stereo to an Alpine head unit and replacing the water heater element which was way past due. We are still working on removing the clear bra from the front of the RV although that is going to take awhile. The stuff is ugly when it gets old and almost impossible to remove. We have a couple other minor tasks but our soon to be fulltime future home is mostly ready…

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