Natures Ornaments…

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Anytime you change, it affects everything around you, and with us becoming work-campers, I was bummed that the traditional Thanksgiving feast that I was used to was gone. I knew the change would affect Thanksgiving, but I didn’t know how much. With any life-altering change, the holidays are where you feel it the most, and we have learned to appreciate the memories. With this past Thanksgiving, Rebecca and I worked the day, and if nothing else, realized how much we value others for having to work on a holiday. We did have a Thanksgiving feast that we shared with our work family, but nothing can replace being in the company of your own. Not all was lost, though, since Rebecca volunteered to be the main chef and the turkeys, stuffing along with gravy she made were perfect. With Christmas upon us, again, we are facing the effects of our change, but we will make the best of it. We no longer will have an 8-9 foot tall tree inside, although we do 100-foot tall trees right outside our door. As for decorations, we got to see something that can only be seen here on the west coast, and that is nature’s way of decorating the trees with butterflies. Every year in the winter, in Pacific Grove, Ca., monarch butterflies come together to these particular trees to share the holidays. As for details on why these trees or location, I don’t know, but it is a beautiful sight.

Antonio flew out on December 16th to be with us over Christmas, but we will miss the Christmas eve family gathering tradition that we have had grown so a custom too. Having Antonio here makes it feel a little more like “being home” for the holidays, but we will still miss having Julia, Alexis, and the grandkids around.

As for change, it is constantly happening around us. If nothing else, I have realized that you can not stop it. I will always be a traditionalist, but accepting change opens your eyes and heart to new experiences. We have learned to cherish the memories and continue making new ones. With that said, Rebecca and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your new year be blessed with many good new memories!

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