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We are all learning new things, including our pets. John and I are either on opening shift 10 am till 6 pm or closing shift from 1 pm till 9 pm. We both have learned the basics, but you always have customers that keep things interesting. I spend my time answering phones and working with reservations, and John helps people park in the sites and general maintenance. Our days off are Friday and Saturday at the moment, and that gives us time to explore.

Last Saturday, September 25, we took the Roaring Camp Railroad Beach train to Santa Cruz. Roaring Camp Railroad is just a short walk through the redwoods. We walked along the tracks to the station, There was a railroad bridge we had to cross, which I did not like, but since the trains did start running till 10 am, we were safe. Roaring Camp is like a small Western town, and trains run to the beach on weekends and through the redwood forest every day. Our trip took us through the woods along the San Lorenzo River into Santa Cruz. The train runs down the middle of a street in Santa Cruz, where sometimes cars have to pull over to let the train through. It was such a neat experience! We walked on the beach to touch the Pacific Ocean, but it was windy and cool. There were not a lot of people in the water, and the sand seemed a little dirty. We walked on the boardwalk and then went out on the wharf, a big pier here in Santa Cruz. When you get to the end of the dock, you can see the sea lions lying on the supports below, sleeping and just hanging out. Hard to describe how interesting it was. We found a restaurant on the wharf and took a long break. The train was not picking us up until 4 pm, so we had time to stroll the boardwalk some more and take in the sights before taking the train back.

Our pets are learning to live the RV lifestyle as well. Bella and Mandy get lots of walks since they can not roam freely, and they are learning that barking at everyone is not cool. They are getting there, but they would love to run freely and follow us around, but they are just not ready for that yet and maybe will never get there. Park rules are dogs need to be leashed, and because there are so many different dogs coming, it is for the best. Nero, the kitty, thinks he is a dog. He loves when we throw his toys, and he races after them to retrieve them then brings them back for you to throw again. He has decided he is a retriever kitty.

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