Mission… Postponed…

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The past few days Rebecca and I have been playing the “blame game” because are initial take off date was Saturday, August 21st and here it is the 22nd. I don’t think anyone intentionally wants to play, it isn’t beneficial and maybe someone should turn it into a drinking game since it just adds stress. I love timelines and with such a complex change, I did plan an extra day or two of “nothing” so that we could shift things but I really didn’t want to use them up just yet. It is what it is… a saying that Rebecca dislikes and blames me, but hey… when you are trying to stuff 5 gallons of milk into a gallon container, it takes time to clean up that 4 gallons that spilled over. All is good and we will hit the road sometime today but first we have to eat breakfast even if it’s 1 o’clock…

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