Letting Go…

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I am finally trying to add my thoughts to the blog as we move toward, Saturday, our date we leave for our journey . It is exciting to look forward and plan for the changes but with this comes the letting go…

I let go of a job that I have had for the last 7 and 1/2 years. I do not miss all the hassle of being the “Boss Lady “ but it was something I did day after day and it was my way of life for so long. The people at work became a family and with all families there were difficult days but there was also many good days. We would laugh and cry as families do. As I leave I know that someone else will become the boss, life will change but go on. It is hard to put in words the emotions that I feel as I let that behind…

We left go of our buddy, our dog, Frisbee. We rescued him many years ago and life for him became a struggle as his muscles atrophied and dementia took his mind. We wept at the finality of this knowing that we gave Frisbee a great life. He was a Philly street dog and we brought him to the countryside where he could run and play. He was the picture of sheer joy growing up with Antonio and playing with the other dogs . He will always hold a special place in my heart and I will remember his happiness. I hope that his dreams were filled with his youth and he is now free to run again .

We have had to let go many possessions that seemed like a good idea when we purchased them, but when the time came to downsize they are to much, to big or just not that important. I think John has struggled with this more then I have, but when it came time to make decisions we agree on most things . It has been hard to see things that you value, sold and it’s even worse when you realize that what you get for your items is little as it leaves for a different home or simply gets trashed .

We let go of Antonio, to go out and spread his wings . Antonio graduated high school an honor student and was accepted at RIT in Rochester, NY. He is excited to go out in the world learning and growing. It can be hard to see your baby leave but to discourage his dreams would be even worse. We want him to be what he can be and find a path that gives him fulfillment and hopefully success. There are so many emotions that I can ‘t even begin to to put a voice to it may take a few days to process all of the the past weeks events.

Letting go of things can bring tears and hopefully as time goes on, growth. Growth for us as individuals and growth as a family. There is fear of the unknown but also excitement at change. As we go through life we need to look forward and not back so all the letting go will be a past with so many memories. In the end memories are the only thing we can truly take with us and they make us who we are. Let go… go forth and make a memory!

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