
2 Min Read

Sometimes somethings are a little to much like whip cream on a milk shake. Ok… the whip cream might make it look pretty but when it gets to the bottom of the cup, it kind of gives the milkshake a disappointing ending. Well…. same going with 3m and Forest River for sticking this clear bra on the RV. Yes, it might have helped keep the front of the RV nicer the first couple years although after 11 years, it has just turned ugly. I wouldn’t have had much of a problem with it but 3m did not think about the removal process of it. The closest I can compare this stuff to would be scotch tape that has been stuck on a surface for a long time and the only thing you have to remove it with is your fingernail. Cost on average to remove it by someone or company is around $1500, so yep… this crap is a nightmare…. The process of removal is taking a plastic blade to remove the plastic shield and then using a adhesive removal product. It sounds easy but it is time consuming and detailed work making sure you don’t destroy the paint. Of course when you have such a large surface and when you add 3m glue it just turns into a snotty mess. Thanks 3m but no thanks… I’ll take my milkshake without whip cream… oh and keep the cherry too…

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