How did we get here…

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I asked Rebecca the other day, how did we get to this point to make such a lifestyle change and we kind of puzzledly looked at each other with no real answer. Sitting here thinking about it, it wasn’t something we decided to just do but more a combination of things that said, hmmm…. maybe you should do this. I think actions over the years added to the recipe to this change such as enjoying camping, adventure, and willing to accept unknown stress along the way. There has been other unplanned pushes like, purchasing the RV with my parents. It was not something we had any intentions of doing. Heck, at the time, Dad did all the looking, planning and had way more drive in wanting an RV then we did. His dream was to travel and live in the RV but with Mom having continuing issues with back and neck pain, and with the inability to walk far or do many steps, reality sadly dampened his wishes. In some ways we are kind of fulfilling his dream. Dad’s dream contributed by giving us an idea to explore upon, and with a little searching by Rebecca, found this thing called workamping. We have followed a number of Facebook groups to read opinions, thoughts, issues and so forth on this lifestyle and the thing that was most shocking was seeing people with lavished lifestyles walking away from it all to experience something new. Even though we haven’t started on our journey to California, we have started this lifestyle by embracing change and learning to live without some things, We have found since near selling all our furniture, there is a lot in our lives that we really can do without and really just weighs you down. The things you think you need for day to day comfort are just things. We still have a lot to get rid of but at this point, I could easily toss it all in the garbage and just walk away.

Going back to what has nudged us to this point, I believe it comes down to what you want to experience in your lifetime. For me, I have realized that materialistic things might be enjoyable but real mean nothing and they mean even less to others when you go to sell them. I also have learned that “making a memory” is the most important for me since as I get older, it is only true memories I can easily remember. Speaking for Rebecca, her job has become no longer enjoyable and has become just a job. We can both also say that we are anxious to see what God has created across the land. Seeing pictures or watching a video just isn’t the same as experiencing a life moment. In the end, when opportunity presents it self, in creating a lifetime of memories, take it, because in the end it will only be the memories that we could look back upon and smile…

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