We have direction!

2 Min Read

Time is counting down quickly and since April a lot has evolved, so much so, I haven’t had time to sit down and write about it. Since I like to take a systematic approach to things, everything has been progressing smoothly in our lifestyle transition although I know once we get closer to departure, my systematic approach will get thrown out the window. Life is about adapting and sometimes you need to go out of route or the long way around to appreciate or to see the things we miss from day to day. Then again, sometimes having just the basics like a map is also needed to keep on track. As of right now, our departure day will be August 21, giving us 21 days to travel across the country to Felton, Ca. With having the basics our plan includes stopping at the Arc Encounter in Ky., Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower, and Lovelock, NV. From point A to point B is a total of 50 hours of driving and 3328 miles so if we stay on an average of 5 hours a day driving, that will give us a total of 10 days for site seeing. As they say, its not the destination but the trip…

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