Below are the most recent QSOs (contacts) I have made.

If you are curious about what QSO is and how it translates to Contact, well, Q-codes are an international set of abbreviations that were created in the early 1900s by the British government to simplify radiotelegraph communication. The original Q-codes were used in Morse code to quickly gain and transfer information between operators.
The British Postmaster General created the original Q-codes in 1909 to help coastal stations and British shipping communicate. In 1912, the Second International Radiotelegraph Convention in London adopted a list of 45 Q-codes to help overcome language problems in radio communications between ships and shore stations.
Each Q-code is made up of three letters that always start with the letter Q. If a Q-code is followed by a question mark, it can be a question. If it is not followed by a question mark, it can be an answer or statement. The true translation for QSO is,

QSO – I can communicate with _________ direct (or relay through ______). Can you communicate with ______ direct or by relay?